Hall Stone Lodge
In 1919, after the end of the First World War, it was decided to name the new Masonic headquarters in London the "Masonic Peace Memorial Temple", as a memorial to the 3225 Freemasons who died during that war.
To finance the project money was raised from individual Masons, Lodges and Provinces.
The 1321 Lodges who contributed substantial sums to the building have their names and numbers recorded in the entrance of the building, and were each acknowledged by the presentation of a Hall Stone Jewel.
The Jewel is illustrated above and shown on our web pages. The Jewel is worn by the Worshipful Master for the year to show that the Lodge played its part in building the new Grand Temple and as a mark of thanks from the whole of the Craft. Imperial College Lodge is proud to be one of the few Lodges to have received the Jewel.